
measurement of noncurrent assets held for sale, 430-431 noncurrent assets held for sale, 430 scope of standard, 428 Nonmo ne ta ry grants, 155 Nonves ting conditions, for sha re -based payments, 391 Norway , IFRS ado ption by, 1 Notes, 20-21 defined, 13 in interim financial reporting, 299-300 NRV, see Net re ali zable va lue o Obligations: construc tive, 3 18 legal, 3 18 Offsetting, 16, 231-232 Oman, IFRS adoption by, 1 Onerous contracts, 318, 320- 323 Opening IFRS balance sheet, 364 Ope rati ng ac tivi ties : on cash flow statement, 37, 38 defined,35 Op erating leases: classification as, 11 8 defined, 117 disclosures for, 121-123 leasebacks, 123 in lessee' s financial statements, 120 in lessor' s financial statements, 122 Operating Leases- Incentives (SIC 15),4 Operating losses, fut ure, 320 Operating Segments (IFRS 8), 5, 103-105 disclosure requirements, 103– 204 lAS 14 vs., 104 and remaining difference between IFRS and US GAAP, 105 reportable segments, 103 Options, on cash Ilow sta tement, 42 Ordinary sha res, 286 contingent ly issuable, 290, 293 defined , 286 potenti al, 289- 292 rights to purchase, 289 Own equity, 228-230, 238 Owner-occupied property, 345 P Panama, IFRS adoption by, 1

Mozambique, IFRS adoption by, 1 Multiemployer plan , 137 N Namibia, IFRS adoption by, 1 Negative goodwill, 406 Nepa l, IFRS ad option by, 1 Net assets acquired, 404-406 Net asse ts ava ilable for benefi ts : defined, 187 for defined benefit plans, 188 for defined contribution plans, 187 Net ba sis, for r eporting cash flows, 41, 42 Nethe rla nds, IFRS adoption by, 1 Net realizable value (NRV): defined,27 for inventories, 31-32 Net sett lement, 237 New Zealand: IFRS adoption by, I national standards of, 363 Nicaragua, IFRS adoption by, 1 Nona dj usting events a fter the balance sheet date, 61-64 Noncash transactions, cash flow sta tement and, 39 Noncontrolling interest , 410. See also Mino rity interests Noncurre nt assets held for sale, 430 acquisition of, 430 change of plans for, 431 disclosure of, 431-433 exchanges of, 430 measurement of, 430-431 Noncurrent Assets Heldfor Sale and Discontinu ed Operations (IFRS 5), 5, 428-437 abandonment, 430 acquisition of noncurrent assets for dispo sal, 430 change of plans, 43 1 definitio ns, 428-429 disclos ure: noncurrent assets, 431-433 discontinued activities, 430 discontinued operatio ns: presentation and disclosure, 433-434 exchanges of noncurrent assets, 430 extension of period beyond one year, 429 extracts from published financial statements, 435-437

Luxembourg, IFRS adoption by, I M Mace donia, IFRS adoption by, I Macro hedg ing, 278 Ma law i, IFRS adoption by, 1 Malta, IFRS ad option by, 1 Mar ke t risk , 455 Ma rke t value: of defined benefit plans, 189 of defined contribution plans, 187 Mat eriality, 13 concept of, 13-14 Framework description of, 9 in interim financial reporting , 300 in presentation of statements, 16 Mauritius, IFRS adoption by, 1 Measurement. See also Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (lAS 39) after asset recognition, I I I of agricultural activity, 354 at asset recognition , 109-110 of cost of asset, 110-111 of exp loration and evaluation of mineral resources assets, 442 of hedge effectiveness, 277– 278 of impairment losses, 308 of intangible assets, 332-333, 336-337 for interim financial report ing, 300 of inventories, 28 for investment propertie s, 346– 349 of noncurrent assets held for sale, 430-431 of provisions, 319-320 of revenue, 130-131 Members' Shares in Cooperative Entities and Similar In struments (IFRIC 2), 6, 226 Mineral r esources, see Exploration f or and Evaluation ofMineral Resources (IFRS 6) Minimum lease payments: allocation of, 118 defined, 117 Mino rity interests, 194 defined, 193 goodw ill related to, 3 10 Mo ntenegro, IFRS adoption by, 1

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